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[bt_cost_calculator date_text=»Preferred Service Date» time_text=»Preferred Service Time» admin_email=»» subject=»Subject of email» email_client=»» email_confirmation=»» time_start=»08:00″ time_end=»16:00″ currency=»$» currency_after=»» m_name=»Mandatory» m_email=»Mandatory» m_phone=»» m_address=»» m_date=»» m_time=»» m_message=»» accent_color=»» show_booking=»yes» rec_site_key=»» rec_secret_key=»» paypal_email=»» paypal_cart_name=»» paypal_currency=»» el_class=»» el_style=»» url_confirmation=»» show_next=»yes»][bt_cc_group eval=»height = $1; width = $2; depth = $3; distance = $4; service = $5; insurance = $6; final = (height + width + depth) * distance + service + insurance; return final;» paypal_label=»»][bt_cc_item name=»Height (cm)» type=»text» value=»400″ images=»» img_height=»» initial_value=»» item_el_id=»» item_el_class=»» item_el_style=»»][/bt_cc_item][bt_cc_item name=»Width (cm)» type=»text» value=»200″ images=»» img_height=»» initial_value=»» item_el_id=»» item_el_class=»» item_el_style=»»][/bt_cc_item][bt_cc_item name=»Depth (cm)» type=»text» value=»20″ images=»» img_height=»» initial_value=»» item_el_id=»» item_el_class=»» item_el_style=»»][/bt_cc_item][bt_cc_item name=»Distance (km)» type=»slider» value=»0;250;10;1″ images=»» img_height=»» initial_value=»» item_el_id=»» item_el_class=»» item_el_style=»»][/bt_cc_item][bt_cc_item name=»Type of Service» type=»select» value=»Regular;150;Within 2 working days Same Day;400;Same day Direct;120;Regular, door to door» images=»» img_height=»» initial_value=»» item_el_id=»» item_el_class=»» item_el_style=»»][/bt_cc_item][bt_cc_item name=»Add insurance» type=»switch» value=»0;100″ images=»» img_height=»» initial_value=»» item_el_id=»» item_el_class=»» item_el_style=»»][/bt_cc_item][/bt_cc_group][/bt_cost_calculator]
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